Friday, 3 December 2010

Studio Plumbing

I finally installed my new plumbing to my old French studio sink today. Hoorah! 
There's nothing like bit of DIY to thaw those chilly fingers and reinvigorate ones thinking brain.
I have a lovely new shower drain attachment (it's chrome and super shiny!) which via a cunning use of rubber washers connects to my sedimentation bottles kindly supplied by Clayman at great expense!
Now all I need to do is watch carefully from crafty dribbles with silicone sealant in hand, have a tidy up and wash up!

Church 1 Day 1: Strete, St Michaels and All Angels

Paul and I arrived to the pretty yet chilly church of St Michaels and All Angels. We met with members of the church congregation, a representative from the DAC (Diocese Advisory Committee) John Scott and Nils White the Conservation Officer in attendance fro South Hams.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Insight - Architect to the Fabric

This week of 22nd - 29th November I spent shadowing Architect Paul Heighway (formerly Heighway Field Associates) in Dittisham, nr Dartmouth Devon. Paul looks after around 40 churches around Devon We spent every day on site and at meetings including a Quinquennial Inspection and consultations regarding church re-ordering and adaptation projects.

This time spent as 'pupil' is documented day by day listed project by project. Thanks for your time and the window you opened into your world Paul.

Surface Library

I'm interested in surface. As a craftsman and conservator beautiful, but also telling, visible surfaces details give vital clues as the the nature and qualities of the material which the object or building is made from and suggest the conditions and environment it may have experienced. 

I started collecting simple images of material surfaces and texture a while ago without realising why. I allow myself to compose a shot which captures and emphasises, where possible, the surface I encountered. As interested in material as I am these images have become some of my favourites, that I find myself returning to... Not only do they capture the basic nature of what initially drew me in but they also embody a memory for me of the building, wall or church pavement they form part of.